Absolute V. Functional Music

Creating Atmosphere  - Fantastic Mr. Fox

Portray Emotions - The Social Network 

Imply a since of space - Ernest and Celestine 

Physiological Conditioning - Dunkirk

Create Unreal Situations - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Time Period References - There Will Be Blood 

Film Scoring through history


  • Act in- Beginning of the act 

  • Act out - ending

  • ADR- automated dialogue replacement; a rerecording to perfect the audio 

  • Ambience- background noise

  • Click track- used to synchronize sound recordings to a moving image

  • Click Book- 

  • Cue- indication where to start the music  

  • Cue sheet- indications organized on a sheet

  • Diegetic sound- sound visible on screen; source of it is seen

  • Frame rate- amount of frames per second in a film 

  • Foley- addition of recorded sounds added after the shooting 

  • Hard Out- needed cut off 

  • Hit point- a specific point the music acknowledges 

  • Library music- stock music that can be purchased 

  • Music editor- edits the sound and music in the films 

  • NTSC- standard video system used in north america   

  • Orchestrator- composes or arranges music for an orchestra 

  • Overdub- recording additional music on an existing record 

  • PAL- television broadcasting system mainly used in Europe 

  • PRO – Performing Rights Organization - Function?- provides intermediary functions, provides royalties between copy right holders 

  • SMPTE (simp-tee) –  Society of motion picture and television engineers 

  • Source music- music from the source 

  • Spotting- decide where the music is going, where its gonna be, and what its gonna do 

  • Spotting notes- the notes deciding where the spotting is going 

  • Temp music- existing piece of music or audio which is used in the production or editing phase

  • Theme- the overarching music of the film 

  • Underscore- plays under the dialogue  

Types of music